

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2019-03-11



Food52:美食烹饪爱好者社区是一个专为对烹饪爱好者打造的线上内容分享社区,在用户在 Food52 烹社区交流做菜经验的同时,向他们提供一个售卖美食周边产品的渠道。


Food52由纽约时报美食专栏编辑 Amanda Hesser 和 Merrill Stubbs 在 2009 年联合创立。Food52 目前每月已有近 170 万的用户在上面上寻找食谱或烹饪建议。

Food52旗下的在线商店Provisions也在今天正式上线,Food52 的用户可根据 Food52 的内容展示(例如食谱餐具等),转移到 Provisions 网购食材和烹饪用具。其线上的商品由其他卖家提供,严格来讲 Provisions 只是一个交易平台。

目前在 Provisions 上架的产品已经有 100 多个,分为厨房、餐桌、储藏室和室外 4 个种类;它的另一特色是主题展列:美食的周边商品会以诸如“屋顶 party”、“新鲜摘取的梅子”的主题呈现给有兴趣的潜在消费者。

A few years ago, we set out to bring cooks together from all over to exchange recipes and ideas and to support each other in the kitchen. We wanted to create a buzzing place for others who do what we do all day long: talk about food! Together we create cookbooks, take on food projects, help others with our real-time food Q&A -- the Food52 Hotline -- and support local food producers. Since we started Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?), millions of cooks and eaters have found their way to the site.

We believe that if you want to eat better, and you want to help change our food system, you need to cook. Maybe not all the time, but some. You don't have to eat local foods every day; you don't have to shop at the farmers market every week. But it's good to try. We're not extremists in a cult of purity, slow-foodness, or locavorosity. We're realists who believe in applying the best aspects of those food movements to our everyday lives.



