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Alessandro Puccinelli 心爱的小房车 移动的小家

发布于:2018-10-16 00:14:59 栏目:刊物 点击: 国外网站 - 国外网站大全整理





Cities built on cliffs present us with a striking contrast between the natural world and the structures that we build to challenge and overcome it. These photos capture stunning views of some of the most epic cliff-side cities in the world.

保加利亚 大特尔诺沃

Many cities or dwellings could have been built on cliffs for a variety of different reasons, but this was most often done with defensive advantages in mind. A cliff-side city overlooking a sea passage has a superior command of the surrounding waters and is virtually impossible to assault from the water.

意大利 韦尔纳扎

Cities on steep hills, on the other hand, might have been built there to defend from land-based aggressors or because of their proximity to important landmarks like rivers.If you've ever traveled to a cliff-side city with stunning views, we'd love to see them! Please add your photos to this list and vote for your favorites as well.

意大利 马纳罗拉

葡萄牙 辛特拉

希腊 圣托里尼岛

也门 Wadi Dawan

葡萄牙 历史村 Piodao
