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Alessandro Puccinelli 心爱的小房车 移动的小家

发布于:2018-10-16 00:14:49 栏目:刊物 点击: 国外网站 - 国外网站大全整理

Marutaro 是日本的一只非常有名气的刺猬,在日本拥有47000名追随者,在Twitter上更加知名,因为Marutaro喜欢带上搞笑的面具来拍摄照片,各种表情和姿势让人看见就喜欢。这组摄影作品展示了Marutaro的喜怒哀乐和各种滑稽的动作。

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报1

Marutaro is an adorable pygmy hedgehog with some serious Internet fame. The Japan-based celebrity has over 47,000 followers on Twitter, and more fans around the web. It’s not hard to see why - just look at that face! Marutaro enjoys getting his picture taken, and he is patient enough to pose with the silly, illustrated masks that his owners make for him. Sometimes he’s disguised with a toothy grin and other times it’s a trimmed goatee. Whatever it is, Marutaro always wears it well.

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报2

Costumes aren’t the only thing he’s known for. Additionally, Marutaro has a calendar that showcases a cute picture everyday, and Vine videos that feature him lounging in a rice bowl, playing with a soccer ball, and running face-first into a cup. We’re looking forward to seeing more delightful antics from this curious little hedgehog.

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报3

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报4

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报5

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报6

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报7

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报8

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报9

Marutaro 可爱的刺猬幽默表情画报10
